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患 者:63歳,男子,会社役員.
主 訴:上腹部鈍痛.
The patient : a man 63 years of age. Chief complaint : dull pain in the upper part of the abdomen. Since two weeks before admission he had begun to complain of dull pain in the upper abdomen in addition to general lassitude. When he had been examined elsewhere with x-ray a lesion was found in the stomach. He was then advised to undergo surgical intervention in our hospital.
While upright barium-filled picture revealed a shadow defect of irregular shape in the pyloric antrum extending to the whole circumference of the wall, the shadow of a tumor in double contrast view was seemingly of softer outline with smooth surface. The surrounding mucosa was neither rigid nor irregular in pattern. The whole picture was a well depicted protrusion, smooth-surfaced and without ulceration. Nonetheless, the mucosa directly around the tumor looked slightly rigid and there were some changes as well suggesting malignant infiltration through the pyloric ring into the duodenal cap. These findings were suggestive of advanced carcinoma of a protruding variety.
Endoscopy also revealed a mucosal protrusion with surface erosions that looked soft and extended all around the pyloric antrum. But seen tangentically from the oral side, the entire aspect of the tumor was hidden from view and the presence or absence of ulceration could not be determined. We then made a tentative diagnosis of either cancer or malignant submucosal tumor of the stomach, with only its oral aspect exposed to the view.
Resected stomach showed a wide, plateau-like protrusion with relatively localized margins on the oral side, measuring 6 . 5 X 9. 0 X 1. 5 cm, extending over the whole circumference of the pyloric antrum. There were groove-like depressions on the surface running in an irregular fashion, suggesting shallow interrugal sulci, some of them looking at first sight like cerebral convolutions. Although erosive spots were seen scattered about, no ulceration was in evidence.
Histolgoically, the mucosa over the protrusion was thickened on account of striking hyperplasia of the pyloric glands. Muscle fibers in the muscularis mucosae increased in number, rising upward among the hyperplastic glands. Foveolar hyperplasia or cystic formation of the glands was hardly recognized. Not a malignant finding was thus in sight. These findings were believed to belong to the category of “ Polyadenomes en nappe” according to the original report of P. Menetrier. Usually the so-called Ménétrier's disease arises on the side of the greater curvature. " Polyadenomes en nappe " localized within the pyloric region have been reported so far in 3 cases only, including the reports by Nakamura and Martini.

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