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患 者:K. U. 67歳 男
主 訴:上腹部痛.
A man aged 67 complaining of discomfort in the epigastrium in September 1972 was brought under medical treatment. To make himself sexually more vigorous, he drank at the end of November a certain injection liquid for three days. Immediately thereafter he began to complain repeatedly of epigastralgia. He was hospitalized in February 1973 for thorough checkup. At that time no abnormality was detected except tenderness over the epigastrium and hyperchlorhydria of the gastric juice. x-ray examination of the stomach showed a mobile tumor along with a niche in the greater curvature side of the antrum. Endoscopy revealed a bezoar associated with ulcer. In the following month an operation on the stomach (Billroth I) was performed. The bezoar was dark purple, 5×3×4 cm in size and 195 gr. in weight, Histologically, the ulcer was Ul IV with no malignant cells demonstrated. An analysis of the bezoar showed that, unlike the compositions of the swallowed injection liquid, it was composed of Al, Mg, Ca, etc. It could not be traced to its origin.
For the past approximately ten years bezoar associated with ulcer have accounted for 32 percent of all cases of gastric bezoars, and it was mostly seen in the age group 40-49. The male outnumbered the female in a ratio of 2.3 : 1. The predilection site of concomitant ulcer was in the region of the angle. The above instance is different in its location from that of the usual gastric ulcers; and it can be suspected that the existence of bezoar had something to do with the formation of ulcer.

Copyright © 1974, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.