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It has been 15 years since mass survey for stomach cancer by means of indirect radiography was first employed in Japan. Since then the number of films per examinee has increased and positionings have been improved. However, according to recent investigations, these vary very much by each group of examiners. More than 66 different combinations of position with varying amount of barium are now used all over the country.
As one of the most effective approaches to a model of what an indirect radiography should be for gastric mass survey in which every segment of the stomach can be visualized to the best advantage, the author has introduced a new attempt to divide the whole areas of the stomach into '77 sections, thereby making it more convenient to describe accurately any of these areas. It is a means to determine what positioning would be most responsible for visualizing a certain thus divided section of the stomach. By combining several most appropriate positionings for each examinee, one is able to cover all sections of the stomach for one examination. Theoretically speaking and from this point of view, seven exposures are at least necessary for each person. They are illustrated in Figs. 1 to 11.
The author also launched two experimental studies: the one consists of 34-exposure method as applied to 29 cases of early gastric cancer of different size and location already confirmed at the National Cancer Center; and the other, Of 17-exposure method tried on 144 cases of early gastric cancer likewise experienced in 12 different leading institutions in this country. These films have been read by experts in this field to check in which of exposures are abnormal findings present. The results, analyzed by electronic computer, have yielded ver yinteresting data.
These experimental studies have revealed that the most effective method of mass examination must include at least the five following positionings: (1) supine right anterior (double contrast), (2) prone with stomach filled with barium, (3) supine frontal (double contrast), (4) prone with a very small amount of barium (mucosal study) and (5) upright frontal with the stomach filled with barium.
Based on the above-mentioned data, standard positionings and their combinations shall be shown in the near future with due consideration of economy in time and cost of examination.
Some parts of this paper were reported in the 28 th Annual Meeting of the Iapanese Society (1969) and the 8th Autumn Meeting of the Japanese Society of Gastric Mass Survey (1970).
This study was supported by the budget of Japanese Ministry of Health and Welfare for supporting Cancer Research.

Copyright © 1971, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.