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要旨 間接集検により発見された胃癌の特徴を明らかにする目的で,間接集検を受診し胃切除が行われた胃癌174例について早期胃癌を中心に検討した.間接集検以外の方法により発見された早期胃癌759例(非集検群)と比較すると,深達度,大きさ,組織型では差がみられなかったが,隆起型では隆起の高い病変が多くを占めた.また,体上部の病変が少なかった.間接集検により病変を指摘された早期胃癌69例(集検指摘群)は非集検群と比較すると長径が2cm以下の例が有意に少なかった.間接集検で指摘されなかった早期胃癌27例は陥凹型がほとんどを占め,2cm以下の病変が約半数を占めた.特に,2cm以下の病変では集検指摘群の陥凹型は皺襞集中を有する例が多くみられた.
To elucidate the characteristics of gastric cancer detected by mass screening indirect x-ray examination, 174 such cases of gastric cancer surgically resected were compared with 759 cases (non-screening group) detected by other methods. Although there was no difference in the depth, size, and histological type between the two groups, elevated type lesions were more frequently and the lesions of the upper body of the stomach were less frequently seen in the mass screening group. The lesions less than 2 cm in diameter were significantly less frequent among 69 early gastric cancer cases detected by screening indirect x-ray examination compared with non-screening group. Twenty-seven cases not detected at mass screening program were mostly depressed type, with the lesion less than 2 cm accounting for more than 50%. It is noteworthy that most of the lesions smaller than 2 cm detected at mass screening program were depressed type with fold convergence.

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