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LYMPHANGIOMA OF THE STOMACH, A CASE REPORT Ryusuke Ohya 1 1Dept. of Internal Medicine, School of Meidcine, Hokkaido University pp.639-643
Published Date 1969/5/25
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1403111079
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 This is a report of a case of lymphangioma recently encountered which was preoperatively diagnosed as a benign, submucosal tumor of the stomach, and confirmed later by histological examination as belonging to lymphangioma.

 Case: a 49-yaer-old male, complaining of epigastric pain.

 Present History: on July 16, 1968, the patient was referred to the authors' department as he had continuous pain in the epigastrium. At X-ray examination, a round, sharply demarcated radiolucency the size of a thumb was found in the lesser curvature side at the level of the incisura.

 By fiberscopy it was visualized as a dome-like protuberance. Its surface was smooth, colored in pale violet. Operation was accordingly performed under the tentative diagnosis of a benign, subrnucosal tumor of the stomach. In the resected specimen, a submucosal tumor, 30 × 15 × 10mm in size, was found on the posterior wall near the lesser curvature 3cm oral from the pyloric ring.

 No appreciable difference was found between the mucosa on the encapsulated tumor and that of contiguous areas. A small indentation was noted on the surface of the tumor, but there was noulcer on it. Histologically it was a cystic lymphangioma. As this variety of tumor is of extraordinarily rare occurrence, some comments are made referring to its literature hitherto published.

Copyright © 1969, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 1882-1219 印刷版ISSN 0536-2180 医学書院


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