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X-RAY DEMONSTRATION OF LESIONS IN THE ANTERIOR WALL OF THE STOMACH Kenji Kumakura 1 , Masakazu Maruyama 1 , Naiki Someya 1 1Division of Internal Medicine of Cancer Institute Hospital pp.873-882
Published Date 1968/6/25
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1403110853
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 Although advanced cancer, large ulcer and polyp in the anterior wall of the stomach may be relatively easily diagnosed by the conventional x-ray examination, diagnostic difficulty arises in diagnosing minute lesions such as superficial depressed type of early cancer (Type Ⅱc).

 Consideration was laid upon the method of x-ray demonstration of Type Ⅱc, based on the cases experienced until present. If ulcer scar is coexistent in cancerous as lesion observed in Type Ⅱc+Ⅲ, deformity of the stomch may be noted in the prone or upright barium-filled fillms, and if a part of Type Ⅱc rides on the lesser or greater curvature, marginal irregularity or depression may appear in them. But conclusive diagnosis can not bedrawn by the interpretation of those films.

 Supine double contrast films may sometimes leave a print of Type Ⅱc in the anterior wall, but the conventionally employed method may be insufficient to diagnose the minute lesion in the anterior wall in contrast to the fact that Type Ⅱc in the anterior wall has been relatively easily diagnosed by the endoscopic examination.

 To get an excellent detail of anterior lesion, compression study and prone double contrast method are indispensable. Compression study may be better, if a lesion is relatively small, but this method may fail to demonstrate large lesions.

 In constidering such a circumstances the author emphasized the superiority of the prone double contrast method, and the role of the prone double contrast method and the effective sequence of each examination method in the routine x-ray work were discussed.

 Three representative cases were displayed for the convenience of explanatory description on the prone double contrast method.

Copyright © 1968, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 1882-1219 印刷版ISSN 0536-2180 医学書院


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