

書誌情報 詳細検索 by 医中誌


Pathomorphological Change of Ischemic Colitis with Lapse of Time Fuminori Horimukai 1 1The Fourth Department of Internal Medicine, Tokyo Medical College pp.679-688
Published Date 1986/6/25
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1403110371
  • Abstract
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 Pathomorphological changes of ischemi ccolitis with lapse of time were studied in eleven surgically resected cases and the following results were obtained:

 1) The stage of ischemic colitis was classified into diffuse hemorrhagic (active-healed), multiple erosive (active-healed) and ulcerative (mainly longitudinal) ones. Over and above this, the ulcerative stage was subdivided into active, healing and healed (scar) stages depending on macroscopic and microscopic characteristics.

 2) The pure form of diffuse hemorrhagic or multiple erosive stage was not found frequently in the resected materials where lesions were in the periphery of the ulcerative lesion. Both the hemorrhagic and the erosive stage either healed without any abnormalities of the intestinal lumen or grew worse to become the ulcerative stage. Active ulcer stage with distinct longitudinal ulcers was found in cases where there was a time lapse of four to twelve days after the onset of symptoms. Healing ulcer stage was seen from 19 to 25 days after the onset, but in one case it was seen on the 75th day. The healed ulcer stage was seen on the 46th, 66th, and 120 th day.

 3) The time necessary for scar stage largely depended on the degree of the initial attack or continuance of ischemia or on the stage of ischemic colitis. It is suggested that longitudinal ulcers might arise from enlargement and fusion of the multiple erosions or from the intensity of the initial attack of ischemia itself.

Copyright © 1986, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 1882-1219 印刷版ISSN 0536-2180 医学書院


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