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要旨 小腸,大腸に病変をもつ44症例51病変に対して,大腸内視鏡検査を利用した逆行性回腸造影および選択的大腸造影を行い,そのX線検査法の有用性を検討した.①下部回腸および終末回腸病変の診断能について逆行性回腸造影法とゾンデ式小腸二重造影法で比較すると,従来のゾンデ式小腸二重造影法では,描出が悪く性状診断ができなかった症例が半数以上を占めた.一方,逆行性回腸造影法では,描出が良く診断可能な症例が過半数みられ,ゾンデ式小腸二重造影法よりも逆行性回腸造影法のほうが下部回腸の病変描出能は優れている傾向にあった(0.05<p<0.10).②下部回腸の逆行性回腸造影法による描出範囲,描出能とバルーンの位置については,バルーンが回腸に存在したまま造影したほうが,結腸に位置して造影した場合よりも,描出範囲,描出能とも有意に優れていた(p<O.001,p<0.025).③選択的大腸造影法と通常の注腸二重造影法の比較では,その描出に有意差はなく,2度の前処置を必要としない選択的大腸造影法は有用と考えられ,微細病変も描出された.そのほか,(a)下部回腸に狭窄が存在する例,(b)大腸に狭窄や腫瘍,あるいは攣縮があり,大腸ファイバースコープが通過できない例,(c)小腸・大腸吻合部に病変が存在した例などに対して有用であった.
Retrograde ileogram and selective colonogram using a colonoscope were applied to 51 lesions of 44 cases with small and/or large intestinal lesions, and the validity of these radiological examinations was analyzed. 1) Although conventional small bowel double contrast study using a long tube revealed the nature of the lesions in less than half of the cases, a retrograde ileogram showed clearer and more diagnostic pictures in more than half of the cases. A retrograde ileogram was superior to the conventional method especially in distal ileum lesions (0.05<p<0.10). 2) When a balloon catheter was placed in ileum, the extent of area was wider and the sensitivity in detecting lesions was improved significantly compared with those in which a balloon catheter was placed in colon (p<O.001, p<0.025 respectively). 3) There was no difference in revealing minute lesions between a selective colonogram using a colonoscope and a conventional barium enema. Selective colonogram had the advantage in omitting the preparation for barium enema. This method was useful in following cases: 1) for stenotic lesions in distal ileum; 2) if the colonoscope could not pass lesions due to stenosis, tumor or constriction in the colon; and 3) if there were junctional lesions between the small and large intestines.
Copyright © 1992, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.