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要旨 (1)食道のm癌17例中15例(88.2%)にX線像で変形または辺縁異常像を認めた.特に食道の幅の1/4以上を占める病変では57.1%に4コマ(2分割フィルム2枚)のうち1コマ以上に明らかな辺縁異常像を認め,ルーチンX線検査でチェックしうる.(2)ルーチンX線像の変形または辺縁異常像を参考に,あるいはパンエンドスコープでチェックされた所見を参考に精密X線検査を施行したところ,94.1%に異常所見を現しえた.(3)パンエンドスコープをルーチン化することがm癌を発見し増加させるためのポイントである.
(1) Deformity of the esophagus and/or abnormality of the esophageal wall were radiologically visualined in 15 out of 17 cases with intramucosal carcinoma of the esophagus (88.2%) Particularly, in 8 out of 14 cases with the extent of mucosal invasion larger than one fourth of the transverse width of the resected esophagus (57.1%), deformity and/or abnormality of the wall were seen in more than one of four spot films of the esophagus and they were evident enough to pick up at the routine radiological examination.
(2) In 16 out of the 17 cases with intramucosa carcinoma (94.1%), fine mucosal abnormalities could be visualized on the double contrast view at the repeated detailed examination by the reference to the deformity and/or abnormality of the wall or to abnormal appearances at panendoscopy.
(3) The routine use of panendoscopy can undoubtedly raise the detestability of intramucosal carcinoma of the esophagus.

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