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症 例
患 者:58歳,男,会社員.
主 訴:心窩部痛.
A 58-year-old man visited Tokyo University Hospital in March 1979 complaining of severe abdominal pain. He had a past history of malignant lymphoma of right tonsil six months before to which was 60Co irradiated (1,200 rad in total). X-ray and endoscopic examinations and biopsy materials gave sufficient data for the diagnosis of malignant lymphoma of the stomach. On May 8, 1979, distal gastrectomy was performed after irradiation of 60Co (3,000 rad). Resected stomach showed 7×7.5 cm sized ulcer on the greater curvature of antrum. Histological findings were of immunoblastic type malignant lymphoma.
During the past 20 years, we experienced 21 malignant lymphomas of stomach, all of which were resected in our department. Six cases developed six months to 12 years after an initial diagnosis of malignant lymphoma of head or neck. In one patient, malignant lymphoma of ileum was found after five years as the 3rd involvements. Six patients were four males and two females and all the original, second and third tumors were histologically of the immunoblastic type.
The interesting association of stomach lymphomas and those of head or neck remains unexplained but does not appear to be associated with dissemination and/or metastasis from (1) the long interval between the initial diagnosis of head and neck lymphomas and subsequent developement of stomach tumors and long survival periods, (2) little anatomical relationship between these two sites and (3) macroscopic findings of stomach tumors suggesting their primaries.
Copyright © 1981, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.