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要旨 患者は50歳,女性.突然の心窩部痛のため,上部消化管内視鏡検査を施行した.胃幽門部に不整形の出血性びらんと体下部前壁に点状の出血性びらんを示す.急性胃粘膜病変(acute gastric mucosal lesions; AGML)であった.組織学的に胃粘膜に好中球と単核球炎症性細胞の軽度浸潤を認め,胃小窩と粘膜表層にGastrospirillum hominisの存在を多数観察した.Gastrospirillum hominisを伴ったAGMLについてはこれまでに報告例がなく,まれな症例であるためこれを報告した.
A rare case of acute gastric mucosal lesions (AGML) accompanied by Gastrosprillum hominis (G. hominis). A 50-year-old Japanese woman had complained of sudden epigastralgia. Endoscopic examina-tion showed AGML which were characterized by several irregular-shaped hemorrhagic erosions in the antrum, and some spotty hemorrhagic erosions in the lower body. Histological examination revealed moderate chronic active gastritis and many G. hominis in mucous on the surface epithelium and pits. We report a rare case of AGML accompanied. by G. hominis.

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