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要旨 1995年5月から1997年4月までの2年間の当センターにおける食道集検の成績を検討した.癌発見率は0.10%で,しかも表在癌比率は92.3%と高率であった.現在の食道集検のm癌に対する拾い上げ能はm1はほとんど不可能であったが,辺縁に所見が表れやすい30mm以上の病変ならm2病変までは可能であった.今後対象を集約し,撮影体位を工夫することにより,間接食道集検の場でもEMRの適応となるようなm癌を含む早期食道癌を,より多く,より効率的に拾い上げうるようになるはずである.
Results of mass-screening examination of the early esophageal cancer for the last two years between May of 1995 and April of 1997 in our center were evaluated. Over all detection rate was 0.10% and ratio of the superficial cancer to all cancer was as high as 92.3%. Currently, detectability of the screening examination for the mucosal cancer was limited; it would be almost impossible to detect a m1 cancer, but a lesion more than 30 mm in size with abnormal findings in the surrounding area could be found as a m2 cancer. In the future, selection of the examinees and trial of the posture when roentgen exposure would help to improve detectability by the indirect mass-screening esophageal examination for the early esophageal cancer including cancers being indicated for the endoscopic mucosal resection.

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