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要旨 過去29年間に,初回組織診断でreactive lymphoid hyperplasia(RLH)とされた55例中44例(80%)が,見直し組織診断では悪性リンパ腫(ML)であり,その多くがMALTomaの所見を有していた.RLHの頻度は3.5%(7/200)と,従来考えられていた値より低値であった.初回組織診断でのRLHの割合は,1965年から5年間隔にみると,年ごとに減少していた.この原因は,1956年の濾胞性リンパ腫の概念確立,1958年以後のRLHの提唱,1983年からのMALTomaの提唱などで,胃リンパ組織病変の組織診断基準が変化したことに起因すると考えられた.見直し組織診断された胃MLの組織型を年代別にみると,1975年以降,中細胞型MLが増加し,大細胞型MLは減少していた.しかし,肉眼型(表層拡大型と腫瘤形成型)の割合は年代別にみても,変化していなかった.MLの初回生検正診率は64%(29/45)であったが,組織標本を見直すと,45例全例がMLであった.45例の,総標本数に対するリンパ腫陽性標本数は,73%(163/224)と高かった.生検組織診断の一助として,細胞増殖指標(Ki-67免疫染色)や異常蛋白発現(p53免疫染色)も有用と考えられた.
The chronological changes in the ratio of gastric malignant lymphoma (ML) and reactive lymphoid hyperplasia (RLH), and as well as of histological types and macroscopic types of ML were studied by using 193 ML and 7 RLH cases surgically resected from 1965 to 1993. The ratio of RLH at original diagnosis has decreased every five years. Revised pathological diagnosis revealed that 44 of the 55 RLH cases (80%) at original diagnosis were malignant lymphoma, most of which had the features of MALToma. Only 7 cases (12.7%) were RLH, and the remaing four were follicular gastritis and chronic peptic ulcer. It seems to be the reasons for these changes that pathological criteria for ML had been affected by the conception of RLH proposed by Smith and Helwig in 1958, and the new conception of MALToma by Isaacson et al since 1983. As to histological types, diffuse, medium-sized cell type has increased, whereas diffuse, large cell type has decreased every five years. However, there was no significant change in the ratio of superficial-spreading type and mass-forming type macroscopically.
The orginal histological diagnosis on biopsy sections revealed ML at 64% (29/45cases), but the revised diagnosis showed tumor cells in 73% (average) of all cases. The poliferating activity by Ki-67 staining and p53-positive overexpression were useful for the histological diagnosis of ML in biopsy sections.

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