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要旨 食道アカラシアの第一選択の治療法はバルーン拡張術である.手術適応は①F型で拡張度Ⅱb~Ⅲ,S型のもの,②バルーン拡張術に抵抗するもの,③経過とともに病期が進行するもの,④食道癌が合併するもの,である.外科的治療の目的は,①LESを開大して食物通過を図ること,②逆流性食道炎の発生を防止することである.術式は腹腔鏡下Heller-Dor法が最も広く施行されている.Heller-Dor法と似ているJekler-Lhotka法,その変法である東海大法,Girard-田中法,胃弁移植術,Thahl-籏福法,岡本法などがある.機能性疾患に対する外科的治療は難しく,1例ごとに機能の程度を中心とする病態をよく理解して治療に当たらなければならない.
At first, the balloon dilation method is chosen for the treatment of esophageal achalasia. Surgical treatment is indicated in the following cases ; (1) Flask type with grade IIb to III dilation, and sigmoid type. (2) Patients uneffected by balloon dilation. (3) The gradual prog-ression to the pathophysiological stage. (4) Complicated with esophageal cancer.
As for surgical methods, laparoscopic Nissen procedure is the most popular. Toupet Dor, and Tokai University methods, in which fundoplication is incomplete circumferentially, are suitable for elderly patients who have poor esophageal motility. Collis, Deitel, and their modifications are indicated for patients with short esophageal.
It is somewhat difficult to perform surgical treatment for this functional disease. We should select the most suitable individualized surgical treatment with sufficient comprehension of the pathophysiological situation.

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