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要旨 広義のgastrointestinal stromal tumor(GIST)を,いわゆる筋原性腫瘍とすると,超音波画像上,第4層と連続する腫瘍としてほぼ診断は可能であった.しかし,狭義のGIST(ST-type)は,内部低エコー域を有する確率は高いものの,神経原性,筋原性腫瘍と区別することは画像上困難であった.しかし,超音波穿刺細胞診(または生検)を行い,得られた検体に免疫学的染色を行うことにより確定診断は可能と考えられた.
Gastrointestinal stromal tumors (GIST) were previously classified as smooth muscle tumors which, by endoscopic ultrasonography (EUS), were regarded as tumors connected to the muscularis propria. However, GIST which is specifically defined as c-kit (CD117) expression was difficult to distinguish, by EUS findings, from neurogenic tumors and those of smooth muscle origin. EUS fine needle aspiration cytology or biopsy (EUS-FNAC or B) specimens was used not only in histological but also in immunohistochemical analysis. In this way, GIST can be diagnosed by EUS-FNAC or B.

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