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要旨 内視鏡的粘膜切除術の1つであるERHSEの特徴は,①HSE液の併用,②ダブルスコープ方式の導入,③切除予定線をマーキングするため切除範囲が正確であること,④回収病変の口側に点墨し位置関係が明瞭なこと,⑤組織を回収し病理組織学的に治療効果を判定できること,である.早期胃癌に対し今回ERHSEの評価を切除率,癌遺残率,合併症,今後の課題,予後などについて検討した.対象は1982年5月から1989年3月までに本法が施行された早期胃癌160例164病変とした.ERHSEのみの切除成績は90.0%であり内視鏡治療として十分満足できるものであった.死亡例,重篤な合併症は認められなかった.消息判明率99.3%で5年生存率は82.3%であった.胃癌直接死亡例はなかった.追加外科的切除は14例であった.局所遺残・再発は2例のみであった.経過観察144例には再発は認めていない.以上からERHSEは早期胃癌に対して優れた根治的内視鏡治療法の1つである.
The efficacy of ERHSE was evaluated by determining the rate of curative resection, and the rate of residual cancer and the outcome in patients. We studied 164 lesions in 160 patients with early gastric cancer. The lesions consisted of 77 lesions of the elevated type and 87 lesions of the depressed type. Patients were 98 men and 62 women with a mean age of 68.9 years. Characteristics of the ERHSE technique are (1) the use of HSE solution combind with (2) double-fiberscopic method, (3) a precise range of resection along a predetermind line for resection, (4) oral side of aresective material marked injection of ink and (5) histologic study of resective tissues which enables evaluation of the therapy.
Successful treatment was achieved by ERHSE alone in 90.0% of the cases. These included 93.5% of the elevated type and 87.4% of depressed type. When 3.7% NaCI hypertonic solution was used, the rate of curative resection was 83.9%. But when 50% glucose was used, the curative rate markedly increased to 94.2%. Fiveyear survival rate in the 144 cases was 82.3%.
ERHSE is an excellent curative technique for early gastric cancer.

Copyright © 1991, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.