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要旨 肛門疾患は消化器内科の医師にとってなじみの薄い領域と思われる.しかし,肛門の基礎的な知識をもつことで気軽に肛門部の診察や診断ができるようになる.そのため肛門の解剖や機能を理解し,診察の基本である視診,肛門内指診,肛門鏡診を身につける努力がいる.そして3大肛門疾患である痔核,痔瘻,裂肛についての知識も必要となる.また,最近の肛門科領域のさまざまな検査や機能評価法のことを知ってもらいたいと思う.本稿ではこれらの内容をそれぞれに簡単に述べた.
Anal diseases don't seem to be familiar to internists in the department of digestive organs. After acquiring basic knowledge about the anus, however, it becomes common sensical to examine and diagnose the anal region without reserve. For this, it is necessary to strive to become familiar with the anatomy and function of the anus and with the basics for examination, such as inspection, digital examination and anoscopy. There is also need to know about three major anal diseases, including hemorrhoids, anal fissure and fistula. It is thus advisable to get acquainted with a wide variety of methodologies for examination and functional assessment. In this paper, an attempt is to be made to elucidate those methodologies.

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