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要旨 まれな食道原発の悪性リンパ腫の1例を報告した.患者は80歳代の女性.主訴は軽度の胸焼けであった.上部消化管内視鏡検査で,中部食道に径約10mm大の2つの粘膜下腫瘍性病変を認めた.表面に多発する小白苔を伴い,伸展性は保たれていた.鉗子生検でリンパ増殖性疾患が疑われ,確定診断の目的で2つの病変に対して内視鏡的粘膜切除術を施行した.病理組織学所見は,いずれもリンパ濾胞のmarginal zoneにcentrocyte様細胞の増生と上皮内への浸潤を認めた.免疫組織染色では,CD20,CD79aが陽性,CD3,CD5,CD10が陰性で,分子生物学的な解析によりmonoclonalityを認めた.以上より,MALT(mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue)リンパ腫と診断した.各種画像診断より他部位への浸潤は認めなかった.切除断端は陰性で,高齢であったことより,追加治療は行わずに経過観察しているが,9年4か月経過した現在も無再発生存中である.
We report here a rare case of mucosa associated lymphoid tissue(MALT)lymphoma of the esophagus from the aspect of endoscopical features of this tumor. A woman who was over eighty years of age was referred to our hospital in June, 1999, for diagnosis and treatment of esophageal lesions. Endoscopic observation showed two submucosal tumor-like lesions of the esophagus. The lesions had grayish-white granular findings and were deformable. Tissue specimens obtained by endoscopic mucosal resection of the esophagus were diagnosed as mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue lymphoma of the esophagus because of centrocyte-like cells growing at the area of the marginal zone of the lymphoid follicules and invasion into epithelium, immunohistochemical findings and monoclonality of the cells.

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