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要旨 内視鏡的粘膜下層剥離術(ESD)は,病変の大きさにかかわらず一括切除を可能とした治療手技である.特に表在食道癌の場合,治療方針にかかわるため,より正確な組織学的診断が求められている.したがって,食道癌に対するESDは治療目的のみならず診断目的にも有用である.しかし,食道は縦隔内にあり,心拍動や呼吸性変動など周囲臓器の影響を受けやすく,手技的にも胃と比べて難易度が高い.安全に行うためには,十分に視野を確保し,剥離層にカウンタートラクションをかけ,直視下での操作を行うことが重要である.
Endoscopic submucosal dissection(ESD)enables us to resect a whole lesion in an en-bloc fashion even if the size of the tumor is large. In case of superficial esophageal cancer, therapeutic strategies depend on the histological diagnosis. So ESD is useful in terms of less invasive than surgery and making a precise diagnosis. However the esophagus is located in the mediastinum, so it is easily affected by heart beating and respiratory movement. So ESD techniques there are more difficult to master than those in stomach cases. For safety, it is important to get a good view of the operating field and to keep countertraction in the dissecting layer during the procedure.

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