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要旨 従来の内視鏡的粘膜切除術(EMR)の限界を克服するために,内視鏡的粘膜下層剥離術(ESD)の開発が始まった.より大きな一括切除を目指し,多くのESD用ナイフが開発され,誰でも入手可能となった.これからESDを導入する内視鏡医にとっては,ナイフの選択に苦慮する機会も多いと思われる.1つのナイフでもその使用方法は多用性があり,使い込んで初めてわかるコツがある.自らのメインデバイスを定めて,じっくりと技術習得に努める姿勢が求められる.
Endoscopic submucosal dissection (ESD) has been developed for overcoming the limitations of conventional endoscopic mucosal resection. Many endoscopic knives for ESD have been developed for large en bloc resection and are available now. Most endoscopists who intend to introduce ESD would be worried about which knives to use. The variety and the essence of each knife cannot be understood until one has actually used it efficiently. Trainees should decide the knife that suits them best and make an effort to master the techniques for its use in ESD.

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