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要旨 39例43病変の中・下咽頭表在癌に対して内視鏡切除術を施行した.全例男性で,年齢中央値(範囲)は65(50~82)歳,治療手技はESD 35例,EMRC 4例,腫瘍長径中央値(範囲)は2(0.7~48)mm,切除径中央値(範囲)は15(9~59)mmであった.同時多発咽頭癌を4例に認めたが,いずれも近傍に存在していたため,全病変をESDにて一括切除した.肉眼型は0-I型1病変,0-IIa型17病変,0-IIb型25病変で0-IIc型や0-III型は認められなかった.EMR/ESDは挿管全身麻酔下に施行し,一括完全切除率はEMRC 75%,ESD 100%であった.1例に後出血を認め再挿管を要したが,他に重篤な偶発症はなかった.上皮内癌は86%(37/43),上皮下浸潤癌は14%(6/43)で,腫瘍径10mm未満の35病変は全例が上皮内癌であったが,腫瘍径10mm以上の8病変中6病変(75%)は上皮下浸潤癌であった.肉眼型では主肉眼型0-I型は全病変が,0-IIa型では24%(4/17)が上皮下浸潤していたが,0-IIb型の上皮下浸潤癌は1病変(4%)のみであった.また0-IIa型17病変のうち,IIa成分径が5mm未満の病変は全病変(12/12)が上皮内癌であったが,IIa成分径5mm以上では5病変中4病変(80%)が上皮下浸潤癌であった.したがって,上皮下浸潤の危険因子は腫瘍径10mm以上,肉眼型0-I,およびIIa成分径5mm以上の0-IIa型癌であった.咽頭は狭く,複雑な形態であるが,佐藤・大森式喉頭鏡と把持鉗子によるカウンタートラクションを利用することで,安全で効率のよいESDが可能であった.現時点で咽頭癌に対する内視鏡治療ガイドラインはないが,上皮下浸潤癌ではリンパ節転移の報告もあり,慎重な経過観察が必要である.
43 pharyngeal SCC in 39 patients had been treated by EMR or ESD from Jan. 2006 to Oct. 2009 in Saku Central Hospital. EMR and ESD were performed under general anesthesia with tracheal intubation. All patients were male. Median age was 65(50~82)years old. EMR were performed for 4 lesions,ESD were performed for 39 lesions. Macroscopic type was 0-I : 1,0-IIa : 17 and 0-IIb : 25. Median tumor size was 2(0.7~48)mm. Median observation duration was 23(1~44)months.
R0 resection rate of EMR was 75%(3/4), and that of ESD was 100%(40/40). R0 resection was defined as En block resection, with lateral and vertical margins being negative. Neither Perforation,Pneumonia nor Vocal dysfunction occured. Delayed bleeding rate was 3%(1/39). Dysphasia was found in 3%(1/39). Epithelial and subepithelial lesions were 84%(37/43)and 16%(6/43)respectively. Subepithelial invasion rate of 0-I,0-IIa and 0-IIc type was 100%(1/1),24%(4/17)and 0-IIb 4%(1/25), respectively. When the size of 0-IIa component was up to 5mm, the invasion depth was EP(12/12). However, when the IIa component was 5mm or more,80%(4/5)of SCC had invaded into the subepithelial layer. Only one of 25(4%)from 0-IIb lesions invaded the subepithelium. However, the width of invasion was less than 1mm. En bloc resection rate of pharyngeal ESD was 100%, and there were no severe complications. Therefore ESD is a useful treatment method for superficial pharyngeal SCC.

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