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要旨 Updated Sydney systemに準じ,担癌胃粘膜が総合的に慢性炎症(0または1+),活動性(0),萎縮(0),腸上皮化生(0または1+),HP(0)であるものを"HP陰性・非萎縮性胃粘膜"発生癌と定義し,それ以外の"HP陽性・萎縮性胃粘膜"発生癌との比較検討から,通常型胃癌の特性と組織発生の再評価を試みた.ESDで得られた分化型腺癌87例のうち,"HP陰性・非萎縮性胃粘膜"発生と考えられたのはわずか1例(1.1%)であった.外科手術標本では445例中15例(3.4%)が該当した.ESD症例で"HP陽性・萎縮性胃粘膜"発生分化型腺癌の背景粘膜における,慢性炎症,萎縮,腸上皮化生の各項目の平均値はいずれも1.6ポイント前後であり,分化型腺癌は"慢性炎症性で萎縮しつつある粘膜"に発生するものが多いことが示唆された.上記に加え,これまで収集した"HP陰性・非萎縮性胃粘膜"発生癌は,分化型腺癌7例(41~82歳,平均67.0歳),未分化型癌14例(41~82歳,平均62.5歳)で,胃底腺粘膜に発生し胃型形質を発現するものが多い傾向がみられた.しかし,腸上皮化生のほとんどない"HP陰性・非萎縮性胃粘膜"に発生する癌においても"癌の腸型化"が確実に生じており,特に未分化型癌では癌細胞の腸型化は癌の進展に伴う変化であることが再認識された.このことはホメオボックス遺伝子CDX2由来蛋白の発現をみることでより明らかになった.
We reevaluated the characteristics and histogenesis of gastric carcinomas from comparative studies of H. pylori-positive and negative cases of gastric carcinomas. According to the Updated Sydney system, we selected ordinary gastric cancers arising in nonatrophic mucosa without H. pylori infection ; one of 87 cases (1.1%) obtained by endoscopical submucosal resection (ESD) and 15 of 445 cases (3.4%) obtained by surgical resection. Histopathological score (chronic inflammation, atrophy, intestinal metaplasia) of gastritis surrounding differentiated adenocarcinoma arising in atrophic mucosa with H. pylori infection is about 1.6 points, respectively ; indicating that most adenocarcinomas may develop in mild to moderately atrophic mucosa. Including these cases, we collected gastric carcinomas arising in nonatrophic mucosa without H. pylori infection ; 7 cases of the differentiated-type (41~82, mean age of 67 years) and 14 cases of the undifferentiated-type (41~82, mean age of 62.5 years). They were likely to develop in the fundic gland mucosa and show gastric-type differentiation. However, the intestinalization of gastric carcinoma cells was clearly demonstrated by expression of CDX2-protein, which suggests their being time-dependent in their development, with tumor progression being independent of the surrounding mucosa.

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