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Know-How for Magnifying Observation : Photography, How to Focus, How to Use Different Pigments, Etc.―Mainly the Know-how for Magnifying Endoscopic Observation to Decide Appropriate Therapeutic Strategy Against Neoplastic Colorectal Lesion Hisashi Nakamura 1 , Akihiko Yamamura 2 , Yasuhiro Oono 3 , Yousuke Iriguchi 3 , Jhoji Oda 3 , Masaru Mizutani 3 , Tomoaki Shinohara 3 , Satoshi Takayanagi 3 , Yasuhiro Tomino 3 , Daisuke Kishi 3 , Jun Matsumoto 4 1Department of Gastroenterology, Chofu Surgical Clinic, Chofu, Japan 2Department of Pathology, Tokyo Metropolitan Tama Cancer Detection Center, Fuchu, Japan 3Department of Gastroenterology, Tokyo Metropolitan Tama Cancer Detection Center, Fuchu, Japan 4Department of Surgery, Tokyo Metropolitan Fuchu Hospital, Fuchu, Japan Keyword: 拡大内視鏡 , pit pattern診断 , 色素内視鏡 , 通常内視鏡 , SM深部浸潤癌 pp.645-654
Published Date 2007/4/26
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1403101060
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 The procedure for magnifying endoscopic observation and photography under good conditions in daily clinical practice is interpreted through example cases related to ingenuity for good photography and how to use different pigments. Namely, the procedure starts from cleaning the lesion, and in ordinary observation, it is important to grasp the entire picture of the lesion and the status of the peri-lesion normal mucosa. In pigments of observation, it is important to separately use the contrast method in which the gland duct pit pattern is diagnosed by retention of a pigment fluid in the gland duct pit (suitable for qualitative diagnosis of protruding tumors with a pit pattern of Type-IIIL or Type-IV, neoplastic or non-neoplastic) and the staining method in which the gland duct pit is visualized as the non-stained part and the pit pattern is diagnosed by observing the non-stained part (a pit of Type-IIIs or Type V which can hardly be observed by the contrast method can be clearly visualized). In magnifying observation using the staining method (under crystal violet staining), the exact pit pattern diagnosis of the part at which SM deep invasion is suspected (range-type) in conventional colonoscopy or the chromoendoscopy (indigo-carmine spray) is important for deciding the therapeutic strategy against the lesion concerned. There is an explanation of the know-how necessary for the sufficient observation and photography of a low power image enabling a grasp of the pit pattern througout the entire area. In addition there is explanation of the endoscopic observation/photography needed to obtain correspondence between the endoscopic image, stereomicroscopic image and histopathological image.

Copyright © 2007, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 1882-1219 印刷版ISSN 0536-2180 医学書院


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