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要旨 H. pylori非感染胃粘膜と感染粘膜の拡大像の違いは次のようにまとめられる.体部ではH. pylori非感染粘膜は集合細静脈,真性毛細血管のネットワーク,ピンホール状のpitから形成されている.感染粘膜では集合細静脈は見えず,pitも白濁・開大している.幽門部では非感染粘膜は整然とした粘膜模様に沿って微細血管が走行しているが,感染粘膜では大小不同・不整な粘膜模様に不整な微細血管が観察される.噴門部では非感染粘膜では集合細静脈を伴う胃底腺が食道・胃接合部直下まで存在し,噴門部粘膜は極めて狭い.感染粘膜では噴門部粘膜が長くなっており食道扁平上皮下端に黄色隆起を呈する食道噴門腺を認めることが多い.酢酸撒布による拡大内視鏡では食道噴門腺の露出が観察される.
Magnifying endoscopic features of H. pylori-positive gastric mucosa and H. pylori-negative mucosa are as follows. In the body, magnified view of H. pylori-negative shows collecting venules and a network of true capillaries and pits with pinhole-like appearance. Magnified view of H. pylori-positive shows white-dilated pits and does not show collecting venules. In the pyloric mucosa, magnified view of H. pylori-negative shows mucosal pattern with regularity and capillaries along the mucosa. Magnified view of H. pylori-positive shows mucosal pattern with irregularity and irregular capillaries. In the cardiac mucosa, magnified view of H. pylori-negative shows fundic mucosa with collecting venules almost as far as the squamo-columnar junction and the cardiac mucosa in a very narrow zone. Magnified view of H. pylori-positive shows cardiac mucosa with carditis and often shows exposed esophageal cardiac gland in the distal esophageal squamous epithelium.

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