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要旨 目的:X線的な胃癌深達度診断プロセスの妥当性をprospective studyによって明らかにする.対象:陥凹主体のc0型形態と術前判定した胃癌440病変.方法:X線的な撮影手技(①二重造影法の造影剤の厚さ,②空気量,③撮影角度の変化,④撮影法の変化,⑤圧迫法の強弱の変化)を加味した深部浸潤を疑う5つの指標を設定し,術前深達度の判定基準を各指標の描出(+)が2つ以上をcSM2以深,これ以外をcM~SM1とした.深達度診断能の評価は,cSM2以深の診断能として陽性適中率,陰性適中率,感度,特異度,正診率(鑑別率)で行った.結果:1)各指標単独で判定した深達度診断能:各所見の描出(+)をcSM2以深と判定した場合,各手技の難易度に差があり,感度がすべて60%前後と低かった.したがって各指標を用いて診断を補う必要がある.2)判定基準別にみた深達度診断能:5つの指標のうち描出(+)が1つ以上をcSM2以深とした基準では,陽性適中率70%と低率で深読みの傾向,3つ以上の基準では感度56%と浅読みの傾向となり,2つ以上とした今回の判定基準がすべて80~90%台で最も妥当と思われた.3)潰瘍合併別にみた深達度診断能:cUl(-)の診断能は上記のいずれも90%前後と良好であったが,cUl(+)の診断能は80%台にとどまった.結論:今回示した診断プロセスの妥当性が証明された.さらなる診断能向上のためには,cUl(+)の誤診例の解析や撮影技術・読影能の向上が必要である.
Aim : It is to clarify the process of radiographic diagnosis of invasive depth in gastric carcinoma by prospective study.
Material and method : 440 superficial depressed type (cType 0) gastric carcinomas that were resected and for which histopathological studies had been completed. Radiographic findings were set to indicate deep cancer invasion, and preoperative diagnosis of invasive depth was regarded as cSM2~ when positive for two findings, but as cM~SM1 when negative. cUl(+) indicates the presence of converging folds or deep depression, cUl(-) indicates their non-presence.
Results : (1) Detection accuracy of radiographic findings (poor study rate, positive or negative predictive value, sensitivity, specificity, and overall accuracy) : ① submucosal mass by double contrast method ; 5%, 80%, 80%, 60%, 91%, 80%. ② sclerotic appearance by air regulation ; 7%, 83%, 81%, 63%, 93%, 82%. ③ irregular elevated transformation by a side image ; 18%, 90%, 79%, 56%, 96%, 81%. ④ submucosal mass by the compression method ; 16%, 75%, 83%, 64%, 89%, 81%. ⑤ sclerotic irregular mass by compression regulation ; 18%, 88%, 81%, 56%, 96%, 82%.
(2) Diagnostic accuracy of invasive depth : cSM2~when positive for one finding ; 70%, 90%, 84%, 79%, 81%. Two findings or more ; 87%, 89%, 81%, 93%, 88%. Three findings or more ; 90%, 79%, 56%, 96%, 81%.
(3) As for the lesions associated ulceration : cUl(-) lesions ; pSM2~ rate 17%, 85%, 96%, 82%, 97%, 94% . cUl(+) lesions ; pSM2~ rate 52%, 87%, 87%, 80%, 87%, 84%.
Conclusion : Usefulness of radiographic diagnosis of invasive depth in cType 0 gastric carcinoma is confirmed. But more diagnostic accuracy is required in the cUl(+) lesions.

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