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要旨 患者は80歳,女性.主訴は前胸部不快感.上部消化管内視鏡検査で食道中部に長径2cm,楕円形の扁平隆起性病変を認めた.腫瘍の立ち上がりは明瞭で,隆起の辺縁近くは正常上皮で覆われるが,中央は発赤調,腫瘍の露出を認め,粘膜下腫瘍様発育が考えられた.ヨード染色内視鏡像では隆起の辺縁は淡染色性で,中央では不染であった.生検では未分化癌を強く疑うが,低分化型扁平上皮癌と診断された.十分な同意の下,非開胸食道抜去術を施行した.病理学的検査では小細胞型未分化癌,pT1b(sm3),ly(+),v(+),pN0,pStageIであった.術後経過は良好であったが,術後7か月目の腹部CT検査にて,多発性肝転移がみられ,術後8か月目に肝不全により死亡された.食道小細胞型未分化癌は表在癌でもその予後は不良で,手術療法だけでは良い結果が望めず,さらなる集学的治療が望まれると考えられた.
An 80-year-old woman presented chest discomfort. Endoscopic examination revealed an elliptical flat-elevated lesion in the middle third of the esophagus. It was 2 cm in its long diameter. Although the boundary of the tumor was clear and the circumference was covered by normal epithelium, the central portion was reddish like a submucosal tumor. The circumference was slightly stained, but the central portion was not stained with iodine stain. Biopsy led to a diagnosis of poorly differentiated squamous carcinoma with small cell-type undifferentiated carcinoma.
We performed esophagectomy using blunt dissection under fully informed consent.
Pathologically it was a small cell-type undifferentiated carcinoma pT1b (sm3), ly (+), v (+), pN0, pStageI.
The patient was improving well after the operation, but 7 months later, a computed tomographic scan of her abdomen revealed multiple liver metastasis. 8 months after the operation, she died of liver failure.
We reported that the prognosis for surgery of small cell-type undifferentiated carcinoma of the esophagus is poor even in cases of superficial carcinoma.

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