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要旨 患者は65歳,男性.貧血および嚥下困難のため,近医にて上部消化管内視鏡検査を施行し,下部食道に腫瘍を指摘され当院紹介となった.食道X線検査および内視鏡検査では,下部食道に表面平滑な周辺隆起を伴う不整な潰瘍性病変を認めた.また腫瘍周囲の背景粘膜にはBarrett食道を認めた.生検結果は未分化癌で,EUSを含めた諸検査により深達度Ad,進行度stage IIIと術前診断し,外科的切除を行った.術後病理組織学的検索では非小細胞型未分化癌,vimentin(+),腫瘍径57×29mm,深達度mp,ly3,v1,infα,n4,stage IVaと診断された.術後補助化学療法を施行したが手術の10か月後に死亡した.
A 65-year-old man with anemia and dysphagia was referred to our hospital with a diagnosis of esophageal tumor of the lower esophagus.
X-ray examination revealed an ulcerative lesion with coarse nodules in the surface, approximately 6 cm in length in the lower esophagus. Esophagogastroduodenoscopy showed an irregular ulcerative lesion with a smooth-surfaced small peripheral upheaval, and the tumor was surrounded by smooth-surfaced erythematous mucosa. The biopsy specimen taken from the tumor was diagnosed as undifferentiated carcinoma, and that from the erythematous mucosa revealed Barrett's epithelium, respectively. EUS revealed a hypoechonic mass expanding into the adventitia (Ad) with lymph node involvement (N2). Preoperative CT examination revealed no distant metastasis. The lesion was preoperatively diagnosed as stage III undifferentiated carcinoma arising in Barrett's esophagus, and the patient underwent surgical resection.
Histologically, the tumor was positive for vimentin and diagnosed as a primary esophageal undifferentiated carcinoma of the non-small-cell type arising in Barrett's esophagus. The tumor size was 57×29 mm, pT2 (mp), ly3, v1, infα, n4. After surgical resection, he was treated with chemotherapy using S-1 (100mg/day). However, he died due to aspiration pneumonia 10 months later. This is a very rare case of vimentin-positive esophageal undifferentiated carcinoma of the non-small-cell type arising in Barrett's esophagus.

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