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要旨 gastric antral vascular ectasia(GAVE),diffuse antral vascular ectasia(DAVE)は,消化管出血による貧血の一要因として,1984年にJabbariらにより提唱された疾患概念である.内視鏡所見が特徴的で,胃前庭部に放射状またはびまん性に配列する発赤像(毛細血管拡張像)を呈する.その発生機序はいまだ不明であるが,肝硬変や自己免疫性疾患,高ガストリン血症,慢性腎不全等の疾患に高率に合併するという報告がなされ,種々の病因説がある.本症の治療法は,従来,外科的治療が主に行われていたが,現在は内視鏡的治療が第一選択となっている.
Gastric antral vascular ectasia (GAVE) and diffuse antral vascular ectasia (DAVE), first described by Jabbari et al in 1984, are a cause of gastrointestinal blood loss which presents with anemia.
GAVE and DAVE are characterized, on endoscopy, by radial or diffuse red spots (vascular ectasia) in the antrum of the stomach.
The causative factor of GAVE and DAVE remains unclear, but complications, such as liver cirrhosis, autoimmune disease, hypergastrinemia and chronic renal dysfunction have commonly been reported.
While formerly patients with GAVE and DAVE often underwent partial gastrectomy, endoscopic treatment has become the first choice of therapy.

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