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◆要旨:症例は62歳,男性.背景に常染色体顕性(優性)遺伝の全身結合組織疾患であるLoeys-Dietz症候群があり,臍ヘルニアの診断で当科に紹介となった.脆弱な結合組織を有することから,メッシュを使用した修復が好ましいと考えられた.しかし腹腔内メッシュ留置による消化管との癒着は,大動脈解離・瘤破裂などの緊急手術時に消化管損傷のリスクになると考え,enhanced-view totally extraperitoneal(eTEP)法による修復方法を選択した.術後9か月,再発なく経過している.全身結合組織疾患に合併した臍ヘルニアに対し,メッシュを用いた内視鏡下修復術は有用と考えられ,文献的考察を含め報告する.
[Background]Umbilical hernia in an adult is a relatively well-known disease. However, what type of repair surgeries are appropriate is still poorly understood for the systemic connective tissue disease patient. [Case presentation]A 62-year-old Japanese male presented with umbilical swelling. His past medical history was significant for replacement of ascending aorta, aortic arch, descending aorta and aortic valve due to Loeys-Dietz syndrome previously. An umbilical hernia was suspected, and CT scan showed a defect of the linea alba at the umbilicus. Umbilical swelling gradually increased and caused discomfort. Enhanced-view totally extraperitoneal repair with polyester mesh was performed successfully, following hernia orifice closure using non-absorbable sutures. The patient has no evidence of recurrence at 9-months follow up. [Conclusion]An umbilical hernia patient with a Loeys-Dietz syndrome was repaired endoscopically. This method can reduce the risk of adhesion between mesh and intra-abdominal organs. Endoscopic repair is considered an excellent technique with a low recurrence rate.

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