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・皮膚石灰沈着症は①全身のカルシウム,リン酸の代謝異常を伴うmetastatic calcinosis cutis,②なんらかの基礎疾患に伴う障害された組織にカルシウムが沈着しておこるdystrophic calcinosis cutis,③ideopathic calcinosis cutis,④表皮直下に石灰沈着を認めるsubepidermal calcified noduleの4つに分類される1).
・今回われわれは,全身性強皮症に伴ったdystrophic calcinosis cutisと考えられる症例を経験したので報告する.
A anti-centromere antibodie positive woman with dystrophic calcinosis cutis in the right index finger
Suzuki, Marie1)Sato, Yuni1)Sasaki, Miki1)Hosaka, Hiroomi1)Ishiwa, Mamiko2) 1)Department of Dermatology, Syowa University Nothern Yokohama Hospital 2)Ishiwa Physician and Dermatology clinic
58-year-old woman noticed that a white subcutaneous nodule was present on the right index finger from a year ago. X-ray of the right index finger showed diffuse subcutaneous calcification. Detailed workup, including serum calcium levels, was normal. Anti-nuclear antibodies and anti-centromere antibodies tested positive. At the time of re-examination, we confirmed hardening of the skin on her finger. She was initially diagnosed with systemic sclerosis-related calcinosis.

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