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・ヒトパピローマウイルス(human papilloma virus:HPV)関連のBowen病は以前より報告があり,爪および爪周囲に生じるBowen病ではとくにHPV16型関連の報告が多い.
Bowen’s disease of the hallux associated with human papilloma virus 52
Toshima, Susumu1)Horikawa, Hiroto1)Yamazaki, Kazuto2)Sato, Tomotaka1) 1)Department of Dermatology, Teikyo University Chiba Medical Center 2)Department of Pathology, Teikyo University Chiba Medical Center
Bowen’s disease (BD) associated with human papilloma virus (HPV) has been frequently reported, especially that of the fingers and genital region. BD associated with HPV should be recognized as a sexually transmitted infection, and HPV type 16 causes the majority of BD associated with HPV. Only a few studies have reported on BD associated with HPV type 52, and studies on BD of the hallux are fewer than those on BD of the finger associated with HPV. Herein, we reported BD of the left hallux associated with HPV type 52. Further study may elucidate relationships between BD and various types of HPV and non-sexually transmitted infections.

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