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・17歳男性,尾骨部に腫瘤を自覚し当科を受診した.病理組織像で角質増殖と膠原線維の増生がありcoccygeal padと診断した. ・本症の発症機序はいまだ不明であり,先天的,後天的いずれの原因でも生じる可能性がある. ・仙骨,尾骨部の腫瘤を診察した際は,本症も考慮し,生活歴や遺伝的背景などの詳細な問診が大切であると考えた. (「症例のポイント」より)
Coccygeal pad
Inoue, Tsuyoshi1)Watabe, Daisuke1)Amano, Hiroo1) 1)Department of Dermatology, Iwate Medical University School of Medicine
Abstract A 17-year-old man visited our department with a mass observed in the coccygeal region. Histopathological examination revealed hyperkeratosis and proliferation of collagen fibers, leading to the diagnosis of a coccygeal pad.The pathogenesis of this disease remains unknown. It can be caused by either congenital or acquired factors. When a mass is observed in the sacrococcygeal region, it appears important to consider this disease and perform detailed history taking, including life history and genetic background.

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