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咽喉頭機能評価では,運動だけではなく誤嚥の有無や程度を評価することができる嚥下造影検査が非常に有用であるが,嚥下内視鏡もベッドサイドで施行でき,広く行われている。食道運動の評価では,高解像度内圧検査(high-resolution manometry:HRM)がゴールド・スタンダードとして広く行われている。本稿では,咽喉頭および食道の運動とその評価法について解説する。
Not only morphology but also motility can be evaluated during esophagogasgtoduodenoscopy (EGD). Although it is not common, there are cases in which oropharyngeal or esophageal motility abnormalities can be detected during EGD. It is necessary to understand oropharyngeal and esophageal motility to detect these motility abnormalities.
Videofluoroscopic examination of swallowing that can assess both oropharyngeal motility and presence and volume of aspiration is useful for evaluating oropharyngeal function. In addition, videoendoscopic evaluation of swallowing can be performed at the bedside, and it is widely used to assess oropharyngeal motility. High-resolution manometry is performed as a gold standard to evaluate esophageal motility. Oropharyngeal and esophageal motility are reviewed in this article.
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