

書誌情報 詳細検索 by 医中誌


Bone Cell Biology Assessed by Microscopic Approach. Bone mineralization by ultrastructural imaging. Hasegawa Tomoka 1 1Department of Developmental Biology of Hard Tissue, Division of Oral Health Science, Graduate School of Dental Medicine, Hokkaido University, Japan. pp.1453-1460
Published Date 2015/9/28
DOI https://doi.org/10.20837/4201510031
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 Bone mineralization can be divided into two phases;one is primary mineralization associated with osteoblastic bone formation, and the other is secondary mineralization which gradually increases mineral density of bone matrix after the primary mineralization. Primary mineralization is initiated by matrix vesicles synthesized by mature osteoblasts. Crystalline calcium phosphates are nucleated inside these matrix vesicles, and then, get out of them forming spherical mineralized nodule, which can grow more by being supplied with Ca2+ and PO43-(matrix vesicle mineralization). Thereafter, the mineralized nodules make contacts with surrounding collagen fibrils, extending mineralization along with their longitudinal axis from the contact points(collagen mineralization). In this review, the ultrastructural findings on bone mineralization, specially, primary mineralization will be provided.


電子版ISSN 印刷版ISSN 0917-5857 医薬ジャーナル社


