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胎児への悪影響がなくリアルタイムで子宮やその周囲の観察を行うことのできる超音波検査は,産科でもっともよく用いられるモダリティであり,以前より産科病棟では超音波装置が配置されポイントオブケア超音波(point of care ultrasound:POCUS)が行われてきた。ポータブル型超音波装置の普及に伴って産婦人科医が行うPOCUSはさらに増え,同時に麻酔科医が産科病棟でPOCUSを行いやすい環境になっている。手術室における超音波装置の普及は言を待たない。
The importance of point of care ultrasound in obstetric anesthesia is increasingly recognized. Pre-procedural lumbar spine ultrasound is beneficial for neuraxial anesthesia, identifying an appropriate vertebral level, estimating the distance from the skin to the epidural space, and increasing the first-pass success rate. Gastric ultrasound can be used for risk assessments of pulmonary aspiration, which is a potentially fatal complication of general anesthesia in pregnant women. Gastric ultrasound is useful for assessments of the gastric emptying time and the preoperative fasting time during pregnancy. In maternal emergencies, echocardiography, thoracic, and abdominal ultrasound are useful for identifying the underlying causes. Intrapartum transperineal ultrasound objectively evaluates the progress of labor, which has traditionally been assessed by a subjective vaginal examination.

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