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妊娠中の不安は,周産期の母体のメンタルヘルスに重大な影響を与えうる。無痛分娩の麻酔に関する説明動画を視聴することで妊婦の不安が軽減するか観察研究で検討した。無痛分娩を行う予定の18歳以上の妊婦を対象とし,オリジナルで作成した無痛分娩の麻酔に関する説明動画を分娩誘発前日に視聴した。動画視聴の前後でhospital anxiety and depression scale(HADS)への回答を依頼し,その不安項目(HADS-A)の変化を主要評価項目とした。15名の妊婦を対象に解析を行い,麻酔の説明動画の視聴前後でHADS-Aのスコアに有意な差は認めなかったが低下する傾向が見られた。
Background:Anxiety during pregnancy can have a significant impact on maternal mental health during the perinatal period. However, there is currently no established intervention to mitigate antenatal anxiety. This study aims to determine whether watching an informational video about epidural labor analgesia(ELA)reduces anxiety in pregnant women prior to the induction of labor. Furthermore, this pilot study will serve as the basis for our future interventional study.
Methods:We enrolled a total of 15 pregnant women aged 18 years or older who were scheduled for ELA in planned delivery. One day prior to labor induction, the participants viewed our original ELA video. To assess the video’s impact on anxiety levels, we compared Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale(HADS)scores before and after viewing.
Results:Our analysis of 15 pregnant women indicated that HADS-A, the anxiety subitems of the HADS, showed no significant difference before and after watching the video, although there was a trend toward anxiety reduction〔median(interquartile range);5.0(5-8) vs. 5.0(4-7), P=0.14〕. The short version of HADS-A(sHADS-A;a supset of HADS-A)demonstrated a significant reduction in anxiety in pregnant women with video viewing〔3.0(2-4) vs. 3.0(1-3), P=0.027〕.
Conclusion:An informational video may effectively alleviate antenatal anxiety in pregnant women before ELA.

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