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1)Too mathematic?
“患者の静脈内に薬物を投与する” ことは気道管理と並ぶ,安全な麻酔の根幹であるにもかかわらず,静脈確保は日常的に行われる手技で高度な技量を要しないため,末梢神経ブロックや心エコーのように若い麻酔科医を惹きつけることもない。末梢の静脈1本と薬があれば “静脈麻酔なんか学会にわざわざ出かけて学ぶほどのものでない!” と思われるのも止むを得ないのかもしれない。
本論文は “日陰者” の存在である日本静脈麻酔学会の過去を振り返り,現在を論じた上で未来(単に学会の未来にとどまらず,広く麻酔全般にわたって)に向けた提言を述べたい。
The first academic meeting of the Japanese Society for Intravenous Anesthesia(JSIVA)was held in November 1994. The main goals of the JSIVA have been to promote practice and research on intravenous anesthetics and infusion technology designed to deliver drugs based on pharmacokinetic principles. When the JSIVA was established 30 years ago, the most commonly used intravenous anesthetic was thiopental, and occasionally ketamine was chosen for asthmatic or hemodynamically unstable patients. Propofol had not yet been introduced to Japan, and invited speakers from abroad thus gave lectures on this new anesthetic. Propofol became available in Japan in 1995, followed by the approval of target controlled infusions using a prefilled syringe in 2001. Many members of the JSIVA have actively participated in symposiums, workshops, and hands-on seminars at various scientific meetings and have played a major role in the promotion of the correct understanding of basic pharmacology and clinical applications of intravenous anesthesia. Compared to other subspecialties such as regional anesthesia or cardiovascular anesthesia which require technical expertise, the practice of intravenous anesthesia may be less attractive for younger generations who are on learning curves of various technical skills. However, an unobstructed airway and a reliable venous route are two indispensable fundamentals of safe anesthesia. This author believes that the JSIVA should continue to be a leader in order to teach and distribute essential knowledge and practical tips regarding intravenously administered drugs and the anesthetic agents that may be available in the future.

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