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今回は光線療法の歴史,種類,作用機序などの原理をはじめ,口腔内灼熱症候群,帯状疱疹後神経痛,抗がん薬による末梢神経障害においての光線療法の有効性を述べた基礎実験および臨床研究の文献について紹介する。今回の検索で光線療法の光源として発光ダイオード(light emitting diode:LED)の有効性について述べた文献も増えているのが印象的であった1)。わが国においても,LED光源を使用した慢性疼痛のための光線療法器具は発売されてきている。また,2020年に世界的なパンデミックを引き起こした新型コロナウイルス感染症(coronavirus disease 2019:COVID-19)治療の可能性として光線療法を挙げた文献があったことも興味深いものであった。
LLLT(low level light therapy)is an option for the treatment of chronic pain, which includes medications, nerve blocks and surgical treatment such as spinal cord stimulation. Although there is a paucity of high quality clinical evidence about LLLT, with evaluation for its minimally invasive and low incidence of serious adverse events.
In this article, the history, types and principles of LLLT, including mechanism of action, as well as basic experimental and clinical research describing the efficacy of LLLT in burning mouth syndrome, postherpetic neuralgia and chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy will be presented. It is impressive that the number of references describing the efficacy of light emitting diodes(LED)as a light source for LLLT has increased. In Japan, light therapy devices for chronic pain using LED light sources have been used. It was also interesting to find a literature mentioning LLLT as a potential treatment for COVID-19, which caused a global pandemic in 2020.

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