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乳児血管腫は新生児に最も多い良性腫瘍の1つで,その発生率は1~2 %といわれている 1)。一般的には生後数日~数週間で増大し,その後治療を行わなくても徐々に退縮し,学童期までには症状が固定することが多い。しかし,退縮後に血管拡張や皮膚の萎縮,皺状の瘢痕を認めることも少なくないため,乳幼児期から治療が行われることがある。治療法は以前よりパルス色素レーザー照射での治療が行われていたが,2016年以降はプロプラノロール(以下,PPL)内服が保険適用となった。機能部位にかかる場合や活動性が高い症例ではPPLが第一選択となるが,PPL内服療法とレーザー照射の併用療法については明確なストラテジーはなく,各施設や医師の判断で行われているのが現状である。
Infantile hemangiomas are one of the most common benign tumors in neonates. They generally enlarge within days to weeks of birth and then gradually regress without treatment, and their symptoms usually become fixed by school age. However, since vasodilatation and atrophic or wrinkled scars are sometimes observed after a hemangiomaʼs regression, treatment is often started in infancy. The standard treatment has involved the use of a pulsed dye laser, but in Japan, oral propranolol (PPL) has been covered by health insurance since 2016. Although PPL is the first choice for highly active cases and cases involving functional areas, there is no clear strategy for the use of both oral and laser treatments. At our hospital, when PPL was initially selected for infantile hemangiomas, laser treatment was added for the cases in which PPL was not effective. However, because this timing resulted in a delay of laser therapy, we encountered cases that were difficult to treat with the laser. We have thus recently changed our policy to aggressively perform laser treatment from the time of the initial PPL therapy.
In this report, we compare the difference in efficacy between PPL and laser treatment depending on the timing of the combination of PPL and laser therapy.

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