

書誌情報 詳細検索 by 医中誌


Touch-Up Surgery for the Reconstruction of Extensive Facial Defects Hisashi Motomura 1 , Tadaaki Morotomi 1 , Takaharu Hatano 1 , Shusaku Maeda 1 , Ayaka Deguchi 1 , Songsu Kang 1 , Tsubasa Kojima 1 1Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Graduate School of Medicine, Osaka Metropolitan University pp.707-721
Published Date 2024/7/10
DOI https://doi.org/10.18916/keisei.2024070011
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 Oncoplastic surgery can be considered for malignant tumors of the face in particular, and after the resection of a facial malignant tumor, not only a functional result but also a cosmetically pleasing result is required. Herein we describe the touch-up surgery treatment strategy for extensive facial defects. Our treatment strategy for such defects is a combined method in which closure and filling with free flaps or pedicled regional flaps (three-dimensional, and functional reconstruction) are performed, followed by a combination of local flaps or skin grafts (from a donor) around the face. The combined method can be used as: (i) a single-stage combined method, i.e., the pure combined method, (ii) a two-stage combined method, i.e., the touch-up surgery, and (iii) a combined method modification, i.e., the final touch-up procedure. After surgery with the combined method, better results can be obtained by post-compression therapy with hydrocolloid dressings, especially when skin grafting is used. By performing reconstructive surgery with an awareness of “finishing,” the patientʼs motivation, desire for cosmetic improvement, and joy in life can be achieved. Enabling patients to live without covering the affected site with a mask or gauze is a supreme joy for reconstructive surgeons.

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電子版ISSN 印刷版ISSN 0021-5228 克誠堂出版


