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乳房部分切除術後の同側乳房内再発に対しては,乳房全切除術が原則とされている。また,2020年4月よりリスク低減乳房切除術(risk reducing mastectomy:以下,RRM)が保険収載されたことから,以前乳房部分切除術が行われ,その後にRRMの施行を希望する患者は増加するものと考えられる。しかし,部分切除術後の残存乳房には放射線照射が行われており,その後の乳房全摘出術時の人工乳房による再建は合併症を危惧して積極的に勧められないことが多い。しかし,実際にそのリスクがどの程度上昇するかは不明である。人工物による乳房再建は,乳房切除術後に大胸筋下にティッシュ・エキスパンダー(以下,TE)を挿入し,これを外来で6~8カ月間かけて伸展させた後,二期的にsilicone breast implant(以下,SBI)に入れ換える方法(一次二期再建)が一般的であり,その症例数と実施施設数は全国的に増加している。今回は,当院で乳房全切除術が行われた患者の中から胸壁への放射線照射歴がある症例を抽出し,照射歴が人工物による乳房再建に及ぼす影響について検討したので報告する。
Some patients need to undergo a salvage mastectomy for recurrent breast cancer after previous conservative surgery and radiotherapy. Since risk-reducing mastectomy (RRM) has been covered in Japan by the national health insurance system since April 2020, the number of patients who will undergo an RRM for residual breast after a partial mastectomy and radiotherapy is expected to increase. However, immediate artificial breast reconstruction following a mastectomy is not recommended to the irradiated breast due to concerns about complications. We reviewed the cases of 12 patients with breast cancer who underwent an implant breast reconstruction and had a history of residual breast irradiation after a partial mastectomy during the period from January 1, 2014 to December 31, 2020 at our hospital. No complications requiring surgery such as necrosis, infection, or implant removal were observed during a median follow-up of 637.5 days. Implant-based breast reconstruction after a mastectomy for an irradiated breast may be acceptable if the patientʼs course and post-irradiation characteristics are taken into consideration. However, the number of cases reviewed herein is small, and further investigations of late complications such as capsular contracture and delayed infection are necessary.

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