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顎下部のたるみは,加齢や遺伝的な要因および生活習慣などによって引き起こされる。顔面では,ボリュームの減少が老化した外観の原因となる。一方,顎下部では,脂肪の蓄積によるボリュームの増加が下顎の輪郭を不明瞭化させることで,老化した外観を呈する。また,顎下部のたるみのもう1つの原因としては,ボリューム増加の重力による影響だけでなく,コラーゲンやエラスチンの損失によって生じる光老化がある。よって,顎下部のたるみの治療に最適な機器を選択するには,解剖学的構造を考慮したうえで多角的に行う必要がある。このため,当院では顎下部を含む顔面のたるみに対応するために複数台の治療機器を備えている。今回,顎下部のたるみ取りに対する治療機器として,高周波(radio frequency:以下,RF)と高密度焦点式超音波(high intensity focused ultrasound:以下,HIFU)を使った2機種による併用療法を行った。本稿では,その使用経験に若干の文献的考察を加えて報告する。
In the treatment of submandibular sagging, a good therapeutic effect can be obtained by using two types of devices: those that apply high radiofrequency or ultrasound. After such treatment, the patientʼs perception and a photographic evaluation will confirm that the lower face appears smaller and thinner due to changes in the line and contour around the lower jaw. Regarding the period during which the effect appears, the feeling of tightness in the lower jaw is strong from immediately after the first treatment to ~2 days later, and the effect continues even 1 month after the last treatment, confirming a change in the patientʼs appearance.
The number of noninvasive treatments for submandibular sagging are increasing in terms of treatment equipment and methods. For example, the combined use of a ThermaCool CPT TM radiofrequency device and ULTRAcel Q+ TM LinearFirm high-intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU) treatment can effectively remove submandibular sagging. In addition, for submandibular sagging, the following can be used: a thread lift using polycaprolactone absorbable thread, the botulinum toxin formulation Botox Vista Ⓡ, frozen fat-dissolving CoolSculpting Ⓡ, diode laser-equipped SculpSure Ⓡ, ultrasonic therapy device Sofwave Ⓡ, etc. There are many types of treatment equipment, and it is necessary to select a the appropriate equipment and method (s) based on the patientʼs needs and combine them to produce a synergistic effect.

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