

書誌情報 詳細検索 by 医中誌


Tips for Combined Liposuction and Threed Lift Treatment for Aging Facial Skin Sagging Tomoko Okumura 1 1Lux Clinic pp.1157-1164
Published Date 2023/10/10
DOI https://doi.org/10.18916/keisei.2023100009
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 With aging, the submental area shows adipose tissue accumulation, facial line and skin sagging, and associated wrinkle growth. n advanced cases, wrinkles and laxity due to skin and subcutaneous tissue laxity are very intractable, even if a face-neck lift is performed. Signs of aging in the submental and neck region include the formation of skin wrinkles due to the effects of sunlight, skin laxity, and the accumulation of subcutaneous fat under the chin, all of which are known to cause an increased cervicomental angle (CMA) and an obscured mandibular contour.

 Since liposuction or a face-neck lift alone may result in residual submental skin laxity, we offer a combination of liposuction under local anesthesia and the insertion of a sufficient amount of thread lift (we call this type of treatment a suction lift), which is very effective and less invasive than face-neck lift surgery. It is easy to express the important points in the youth index mentioned above with this combination, and it results in a longer duration of CMA improvement.

 When performing a suction lift, it is important to remove fat tissue evenly to ensure the clear appearance of the mandible shape. The number of threads used is adjusted according to the distance from the tip of the patientʼs mandible to the base of the neck and the extent of liposuction.

 We use two to four BNLS Ultimate Lifting threads and TESSLIFT threads under the chin.

 For the cheek area, we recommend the insertion of four to ten TESSLIFT threads. These threads are placed for the fat hanging at the face line to be fully lifted and then secured headward, and the scar of liposuction under the chin is formed along the shape of the mandible.

 A suction lift is a highly effective and satisfying procedure for individuals with a sufficient amount of subcutaneous fat and thin skin. Conversely, for those with a low subcutaneous fat volume and thick dermis, the skin sagging is difficult to pull up even when combined with a thread lift, making it less effective than the face-neck lift surgery.

 In addition, since the suction-lift procedureʼs effect of preventing skin sagging of the face line is very significant, this treatment is indicated for young patients who wish to prevent future skin sagging of the face line and under the chin, even if the CMA is not large. This is a good indication to prevent fat gain and laxity of the submental skin of the subcutaneous area around the chin.

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電子版ISSN 印刷版ISSN 0021-5228 克誠堂出版


