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Non-Surgical Partial Body Contouring Treatments and Weight Loss Treatment Eri Hirata 1 , Nobutaka Furuyama 1 1Department of Plastic and Cosmetic Surgery, Jiyugaoka Clinic pp.281-289
Published Date 2024/3/10
DOI https://doi.org/10.18916/keisei.2024030010
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 In recent years, non-invasive body-shaping treatments have been in high demand. This is because, in most cases, they do not involve a recovery period that interferes with daily life. Currently, the only non-invasive body-shaping treatment that has been approved by the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare is CoolSculpting Ⓡ, which uses a fat-cooling device. It can be performed relatively safely in areas where the applicator can be securely attached; however, while incidence is low, the side effect of paradoxical hyperplasia has been reported. Laser treatment is another method that may be effective for patients with sagging skin who wish to perform skin tightening. However, it requires a certain amount of subcutaneous fat, since the laser penetration depth is approximately 2.5–3.0 cm, similar to fat-cooling devices. High-intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU) also requires that the irradiation depth be precisely within the fat layer, and problems arise if the irradiation is too shallow or too deep. It is considered easy to perform, and is sometimes done at beauty spas, but complications such as burns caused by poor contact with the probe often occur. Unlike these treatments, the Mesotherapy treatment method does not depend on the thickness of subcutaneous fat. As it is only necessary to pinch the skin and inject medicines into the subcutaneous fat layer, it is often performed in small areas, such as under the chin. There are many types of Mesotherapy agents, with varied timing in terms of when patients begin to feel the effects, and the number of and intervals between applications of the agent. It is important to know the differences that arise from each ingredient.In conclusion, it is essential to understand the differences, pros and cons of these non-invasive body-shaping treatments.

 According to the World Health Organization (WHO), obesity is defined as BMI of ≥30. However, in Japan, the definition of obesity is BMI ≥25, based on research indicating increased health risks. When looking at the prevalence of BMI ≥25 in Japan, females have the lowest rates, similar to countries like Bangladesh and India, while males have relatively higher rates, following China. This indicates a notable prevalence of lean body types among females.Partial body contouring treatments are used to address specific areas of localized fat in non-obese patients, with the goal of improving the appearance of those areas. It is important to note that these treatments are not intended for weight loss purposes. For patients who desire weight loss, it is necessary to emphasize the importance of incorporating exercise therapy and dietary changes. Non-invasive partial body contouring treatments offer benefits such as shorter recovery periods compared to invasive procedures. However, it is crucial to discuss and select the appropriate treatment option based on individual needs, and to provide information about the likely effectiveness and potential side effects associated with each method.

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