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epithelioid hemangiomaは骨や軟部組織に発生するまれな血管性腫瘍であり,骨病変は下肢の長管骨の骨幹部から好発する。またほとんどの症例は30~60歳に好発し,小児での報告はまれである。今回我々は小児の右下肢に多発したepithelioid hemangiomaの1例を経験したので,文献的考察を加え報告する。
Epithelioid hemangioma is an intermediate-grade malignant vascular neoplasm, which occurs between the 30-60 s of life. We report a rare case of multifocal bone lesions involving the right low extremity, such as the patella, fibula, femur, and tibia in an 8-year-old boy. Well-defined lucent lesions with a rim of surrounding sclerosis were seen on X-ray and CT. Moreover, heterogeneous T2 high intensity and dynamic centripetal gradual enhancement were obtained at MRI. These characteristic imaging findings may allow the diagnosis of epithelioid hemangioma.

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