

書誌情報 詳細検索 by 医中誌


Ruptured Saccular Small Coronary Artery Aneurysm Associated with a Coronary-pulmonary Artery Fistula:Report of a Case Shoichiro Izuka 1 , Toshifumi Saga 1 1Department of Cardiovascular Surgery, Shin-Kuki General Hospital Keyword: coronary-pulmonary artery fistula , coronary artery aneurysm rupture , operation pp.697-701
Published Date 2024/9/1
DOI https://doi.org/10.15106/j_kyobu77_697
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The patient was an 86-year-old woman. She was brought to the emergency department because of chest pain and respiratory distress symptoms that did not improve. 12-lead electrocardiogram, echocardiography, and blood tests were negative for acute coronary syndrome, but a chest contrast computed tomography (CT) -scan showed pericardial effusion and a coronary artery aneurysm 20 mm in diameter, and punctured pericardial effusion revealed bloody fluid. A cardiac catheterization was performed. He underwent emergent surgery after being diagnosed as having a ruptured coronary aneurysm associated with a coronary pulmonary artery fistula. The aneurysm was dissected using cardiopulmonary bypass, and the coronary artery-pulmonary artery fistula was closed. The patient had a good postoperative course and was discharged in good condition. There have been few reports of rupture when the aneurysm diameter is less than 30 mm. Regardless of the size of the aneurysm, it has a risk of rupture and it is important to consider surgery.

© Nankodo Co., Ltd., 2024


電子版ISSN 2432-9436 印刷版ISSN 0021-5252 南江堂


