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当院は広島県東部を中心に三次救急医療を提供する救命救急センターを有する中核病院であり,胸部外傷を含む高エネルギー外傷の緊急搬送例を数多く扱っている.特に胸部外傷では,解剖学的な特徴から肋骨骨折が頻発し,これらに対する適切な治療が必要である.近年,フレイルチェストや呼吸不全を有する患者に対する早期の肋骨固定術(surgical stabilization of rib fractures:SSRF)が,死亡率の低下,肺炎の減少,人工呼吸器装着期間の短縮,集中治療室(ICU)滞在期間の短縮,在院日数の削減,再入院率の低下に寄与すると報告されている1).これに伴い,SSRFを実施する施設が増加してきている.しかし,日本国内では肋骨骨折に対する固定術の適応基準が明確でなく,損傷の程度や範囲,他臓器の障害を考慮して個々に判断されている2~5).当院では従来からKANI(USCIジャパン社)を使用してきたが,2023年9月からはMatrixRIB(DePuy Synthes社)の使用も開始した.本研究では,これらのプレートを用いた肋骨固定術の症例を通じて,当院の適応基準と治療成績を検討した.
We summarized the experience of surgical stabilization of rib fractures (SSRF) at a core hospital in eastern Hiroshima, which is a primary center for tertiary emergency medical care, especially for high-energy trauma cases including chest injuries. The study focuses on patients who underwent SSRF from January 2016 to September 2023, analyzing patient characteristics, injury mechanisms, associated injuries, fracture locations, time from injury to surgery, fixation devices used, and postoperative outcomes. Our hospital primarily treats elderly patients, and falls are the most common cause of injury, followed by traffic accidents. The criteria for SSRF in our hospital were clinical manifestations of flail chest, need for lung repair, persistent pain, or improvement of thoracic deformity. We had a high rate of fixation of fractures of the 4th-10th ribs, which have a significant impact on respiratory mechanics;although KANI plates were primarily used, the introduction of MatrixRIB plates offers advantages in certain scenarios. The study also identified challenges with the KANI plate, including cases of plate dislodgement, particularly in patients with multiple fractures and severe thoracic deformities. The combination of video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery and SSRF allows for more effective rib fixation and reduces surgical wound size and muscle damage.
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