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はじめに 肺巨細胞癌は比較的まれな腫瘍で,生物学的悪性度の高さから一般的に予後が不良とされている1~3).われわれは,胸壁浸潤を伴う肺巨細胞癌に対して手術ならびに化学療法,放射線療法を行った結果,良好な経過が得られた1例を経験したので,文献的考察を加えて報告する.
Giant cell carcinoma of the lung is a rare tumor with poor prognosis. A 70-year-old male was referred to our hospital because of chest pain and abnormal shadow on the chest X-ray. He had a lung tumor invading the chest wall. The tumor was surgically removed, and since the diagnosis of giant cell carcinoma with p-N2 was obtained pathologically, adjuvant chemotherapy was performed. However, the local recurrence was found at eight months after surgery and was treated with radiotherapy (total 70 Gy/28 Fr). The patient has been well for over 10 years with no clinically evident recurrence after treatment.

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