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両方向性Glenn手術をはじめとする右心バイパス手術後に発生する肺動静脈瘻(PAVF)は,進行性に酸素飽和度(Spo2)の低下をきたし,時に非常に重篤な状態に陥る場合がある.PAVFの発生は肺循環における肝静脈血流の欠如が主因の一つとされ,下大静脈欠損/下大静脈-(半)奇静脈結合を認める多脾症でのtotal cavopulmonary shunt (TCPS)術後に比較的多くみられる1).PAVFに対する外科治療は左右の肺循環へ肝静脈血流路再建を行う完全右心バイパス(TRHB)を完成させることが一般的であるが,多脾症のように肝静脈・心臓・肺動脈などの心・血管が特殊な位置関係にある場合は,肝静脈血流路再建に工夫が必要である.また術前から高度の低酸素を呈する症例では,TRHB術後早期にも低酸素に難渋する場合がある.われわれは,肝静脈-奇静脈吻合によるTRHBと肺動脈絞扼術(PAB)を併用することによって良好な結果を得た症例を経験したので報告する.
Right pulmonary arteriovenous fistula (PAVF) developed in a 18-month-old girl after total cavopulmonary shunt (TCPS) operation. The patient was diagnosed as polysplenia, single atrium, single ventricle, dextrocardia, pulmonary atresia, congenitally complete atrioventricular block, and absent infrahepatic segment of the inferior vena cava with azygous continuation to the right superior vena cava. The hepatic veins were connected to the left-side atrium. At age of 7 month, TCPS operation was performed. Arterial oxygen saturation decreased to 70% at 8 months after TCPS operation. We performed total right heart bypass operation with connected hepatic vein to the azygous vein using a 8-mm ePTFE tube graft, combined with dilatable right pulmonary artery banding (PAB). With PAB on the right pulmonary artery adjacent to the Glenn anastomosis, arterial saturation was 80% and the patient was successfully weaned off cardiopulmonary bypass. At 3 months after TRHB operation, systemic saturation increased to 90%.The right pulmonary artery banding site was successfully dilated by balloon angioplasty.

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