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はじめに 気管支動脈瘤はまれな疾患であり,縦隔型と肺内型に分類される.われわれは,気管支拡張症に伴う喀血を契機に偶然発見された縦隔型気管支動脈瘤(bronchial artery aneurysm:BAA)の1例を経験したので報告する.
The patient was a 66-year-old man who had treated with bronchiectasis. He was admitted to our hospital because of hemoptysis. A chest plain computed tomography (CT) showed bronchiectasis in the left lower lobe and nodular lesion in the mediastinum. Chest contrast CT revealed a left bronchial artery aneurysm, and hyperplastic left bronchial arteries dilating and winding toward the left lower lobe. We performed selective angiography of the bronchial artery, revealing an aneurysm, and we performed 3 times of bronchial arterial embolization (BAE). He was performed surgery at 7th day following BAE. After postoperative empyema treatment, he was discharged on the 124th postoperative day.

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